
A UCF project about Crimean Tatar culture that covered half of Ukraine

How to make a topic, usually perceived onlyas a “painful Crimea issue” visible and encourage peopleto explore the culture of the Crimean Tatar people?The story of Yol/Path case

"Path/Yol" is a multidisciplinary project presenting the culture of the Crimean Tatar people through a comprehensive retrospective reflection.
Its centuries-old history, statehood, education traditions, religion, rituals, everyday life, language, folklore and art. It proclaims the inseparability of the cultural and historical ties between the Ukrainian mainland and the Crimean Peninsula, the Ukrainian and
Crimean Tatar peoples.

Project components

As a part of the project, masters from Crimea and mainland Ukraine created the first state collection of Crimean Tatar art. A permanent children's space in the Crimean House was launched. Four art residencies were held: visual, performative, media, and musical.
An art caravan, "Milky Way," went across Ukraine: along the ancient path of the Chumaks from Kyiv to the Crimea, festivals of Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian culture took place, and memorable stones in each city along the historical route were erected.
A modern identity of the Crimean Tatar people was created in order to present its culture in Ukraine and the world. Lullabies and folk songs performed by Crimean Tatar musicians were recorded and presented.
Lectures by famous historians and politicians dedicated to the common historical path of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars were held in Kyiv and Lviv.

Immersive theatre and a pop-up box, "Along the path of Crimean Semantics," developed a virtual tour around the modern town of Bakhchisarai and Ai-Petri mountain.

The inter-museum project "Crimea Travels" — exhibitions focused on the topic of Crimea and Crimean Tatar culture — has been launched.

Key Messages

Since topics of "history and culture" are quite complicated to communicate, we used clear narratives related to emotional experience and empathy — "Know your own," "Our common cultural code," "Inseparable Crimean culture," "Centuries-old common history," "Path of the nation."

Collaboration with Media

We decided that opinion leaders who know and love Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian culture and history should be the voice of the project.
That's how a special project for the "Ukrainska Pravda" media, "Know your own," was born: Ukrainians should know about the culture of the Crimean Tatars. Well-known cultural figures of Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian origin were talking about why it is important to speak of Crimean culture right now.

Participants: Rustem Skybin, Sevhil Musaieva, Akhtem Seitablaiev, Hulnara Abdulaieva, Aider Rustemov, Emine Dzheparova, Alim Aliiev, Petro Honchar, Erfan Kudusov, Ernes Sarykhalil, Vlodko Kaufman, Svitlana Liakhovets.


Purpose of the communication campaign

Facilitate a dialogue between the Ukrainian society and the experience of Crimean Tatars. For us to achieve this, the formula "informing — dialogue — change of perception" was used.

Target Audiences

● Ukrainian cultural sphere representatives who are ready to spread the project’s ideas through their communication channels● Ukrainians who are interested in history and cultural diversity● IDPs from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea● Residents of the occupied● Crimea, including Crimean Tatars Crimean Tatar diaspora worldwide.


Crimea of my dreams

Alim Aliiev


Crimean Tatars always want to go home

Refat Chubarov


Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars are inextricably linked

Sevhil Musaieva


We do not want to return to Crimea and seea scorched desert

Tamila Tasheva

In addition, a series of author columns in online media like Istorychna Pravda, NV, Bazilik Media, Ukrainska Pravda.Life was published. Broadcasts on Skrypin.ua, Hromadske Radio, Radio NV, Radio Crimea.Realities were arranged.
Suspilne.Crimea, TV channel DOM, online media Svidomi, Chornomorska broadcasting company, Annex.net, QHA, as well as Bazilik.media became permanent information partners of the project.



Special projects in media




Mentions in media

17,5 million

Overall project coverage

As of the end of 2021, the «Path/Yol» project is the largest multidisciplinary cultural project dedicated to the culture of Crimea and the Crimean Tatar people implementedin independent Ukraine.